Together with many arts organisations, the Hannaford Band is examining its history and values to determine where changes need to be made to better reflect the diversity of our world. We are examining our traditional practices with the intention of uncovering where we have contributed to the oppression of marginalised artists.
We recognize that we have been part of a Eurocentric system that ignores the experience of many with the effect of creating barriers to shared experience, meaningful collaboration, and inclusivity. Going forward, we will intentionally broaden the scope of who participates in every level of our organisation.
Traditionally, the music we create, and skill sets required of our performers, are reliant on an educational system which is inherently skewed toward exclusion, and we understand how that can alienate performers and audiences. We are working to change this system of music education by creating an inclusive learning space, subsidizing the cost of Youth Program tuition, offering scholarships for those with financial need, and providing instruments to all who join the program.
We are working to bring new perspectives into the organization through consultation of marginalized and racialized arts and through recruitment to the Board of Directors.
We will continue to commission and publish works from women and IBPOC composers.
While we cannot undo any actions we’ve taken in the past, we are working to counteract the systems that divide us, and we are confident that we will grow into an organisation that highlights and celebrates the many different voices that make up the fabric of our country.
We are committed to learning, to listening, to be accountable, and to be good stewards of the knowledge we gain.
The Hannaford Band thanks you for your trust as we strive to remain a vibrant and relevant part of Toronto’s musical identity