

COVID-19 Update – Murdoch Ahoy!

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Murdoch Ahoy! We regret to inform you that Hannaford Street Silver Band’s performance of Murdoch Ahoy! scheduled for Sunday, April 26 2020 has been postponed. At this point, the new date for this performance has not been determined, but you will be notified once more information becomes available. We apologize for being the bearers of bad news, and would like to offer the following options regarding your tickets

Gábor Tarkövi Masterclasses

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Gábor Tarkövi will be giving 2 masterclasses to students of the Faculty of Music, U of T and the Hannaford Youth Program Thursday, Feb.6, 2020 Brass Quintets: 1:10 – 3pm Trumpets: 5 pm – 7pm   Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building University of Toronto