

Festival of the Sound

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Join the Hannaford Brass for our 2-day residency with three unique events at the 40th season of The Festival of the Sound Brass on the Bay cruise, Monday July 22nd, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM – for Tickets Bands on the Bay, Tuesday July 23rd, 6:30 PM, Stockey Centre Deck – FREE Strike Up the Band, Tuesday July 23rd, 8:00


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The Board of Directors of the HSSB invite you to an exclusive fundraising event featuring Alastair Kay, trombone soloist with Mike Downes, bass and Nancy Walker, piano. When: May 10, 2019 – 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM Where: Home of Mark and Virginia Wells limit to 60 guests. RSVP via EMAIL or call 416-425-2874