

Can you give 2 hours of your time a month to volunteer for the HSSB?

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The Hannaford Street Silver Band is one of over 50 charitable organizations that share in the proceeds generated by the charitable gaming facility, Toronto Rama East. Under the auspices of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, and the Ontario Charitable Gaming Association, 3 times per month, in 2-hour segments, our volunteers provide on-site support to those who attend this facility. It is a fun, safe, clean

Bramwell Tovey

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The death of Bramwell is devastating. Since the early 1990’s he stood in front of the Hannaford Band for many memorable concerts and inspired us with his creativity, passion and commitment. How he squeezed in time for us amidst his busy international conducting career was miraculous.We embarked on numerous projects, significant commissions and a series of recordings that still sound